About Trey

Founder @ Searchkernel, author of
AI-Powered Search and Solr in Action, startup Advisor, researcher/ public speaker on search, relevance & ranking, recommendation systems, and natural language processing.

Check out my interview, published today, with Mitch Pronschinske from DZone:  The Solr Conversion at CareerBuilder.com: Lower Costs, Greater Agility

Questions from the Interview:

  • Jobs are one of the most important things we search for on the web.  What are some of the major challenges for search technology on a jobs site?
  • What are some of CareerBuilder’s unique challenges in search?
  • You led the conversion of CareerBuilder’s search platform from FAST ESP to Apache Solr.  Why did you think this was necessary and how did you convince upper management to make the change?
  • What benefits have resulted from the switch to Solr?
  • What were some of your search experiences related to genetic algorithms?
  • Can you tell us about the cloud-like search API you created for CareerBuilder?
  • Tell us about your side project, Celiaccess.com.